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Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 1195683131314801097 starts a Symmetric tuple of 16 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 2 54 10 56 34 14 22 128 22 14 34 56 10 54 2 (?)
an: 0 2 56 66 122 156 170 192 320 342 356 390 446 456 510 512
All 16 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 512
Found by: Rhodan71
db: batch=77, k=16, 2 54 10 56 34 14 22 128
STPT(10)11956816161463153490 2 18 20 30 32 42 44 60 62-1515168485748
STPT(10)11956818053186280770 2 90 92 102 104 114 116 204 206-1325996173020
STPT(10)11956818093272452910 2 6 8 18 20 30 32 36 38-1321987555806
STPT(10)11956819901506921310 2 6 8 48 50 90 92 96 98-1141164108966
STPT(10)11956827148803519470 2 12 14 42 44 72 74 84 86-416434449150
STPT(10)11956829705128634990 2 18 20 60 62 102 104 120 122-160801937598
SPT(16)11956831886863539730 100 114 118 124 126 168 180 184 196 238 240 246 250 264 36457371552876
STPT(10)11956833209742341990 2 42 44 120 122 198 200 240 242189659433102
STPT(10)11956833956998322390 2 48 50 90 92 132 134 180 182264385031142
SPT(16)11956834621240715230 16 36 96 126 184 196 204 226 234 246 304 334 394 414 430330809270426
TPT(14)11956836708882487970 2 24 26 54 56 90 92 132 134 192 194 204 206539573447700

©2025 Tomáš Brada