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Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 920577281403796147 starts a Symmetric tuple of 16 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 46 8 40 18 14 4 24 8 24 4 14 18 40 8 46 (?)
an: 0 46 54 94 112 126 130 154 162 186 190 204 222 262 270 316
All 16 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 316
Found by: Polaxis
db: batch=76, k=16, 46 8 40 18 14 4 24 8
SPT(16)9205769395595619890 12 14 38 48 68 84 134 138 188 204 224 234 258 260 272-341844234158
TPT(14)9205769709235912790 2 42 44 132 134 138 140 180 182 258 260 270 272-310480204868
STPT(10)9205770398410896410 2 6 8 48 50 90 92 96 98-241562706506
SPT(16)9205770703852904030 18 108 116 128 134 158 194 210 246 270 276 288 296 386 404-211018505744
STPT(10)9205771682604049970 2 24 26 42 44 60 62 84 86-113143391150
STPT(10)9205772498063286170 2 24 26 42 44 60 62 84 86-31597467530
STPT(10)9205772843708903270 2 30 32 42 44 54 56 84 862967094180
SPT(16)9205773051536161130 6 20 24 44 66 80 84 170 174 188 210 230 234 248 25423749819966
TPT(14)9205773401214647690 2 132 134 162 164 210 212 438 440 468 470 522 52458717668622
STPT(10)9205776458819721590 2 48 50 90 92 132 134 180 182364478176012
SPT(16)9205778039743433770 4 16 36 46 64 102 114 142 154 192 210 220 240 252 256522570547230

©2025 Tomáš Brada