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Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 1390746972234376283 starts a Symmetric tuple of 20 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 8 12 4 12 2 10 42 24 60 26 60 24 42 10 2 12 4 12 8 (?)
an: 0 8 20 24 36 38 48 90 114 174 200 260 284 326 336 338 350 354 366 374
All 20 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 374
derived by truncating larger tuple
Found by: Theadalus
db: batch=77, k=20, 8 12 4 12 2 10 42 24 60 26
STPT(10)13907461184755376390 2 12 14 30 32 48 50 60 62-853758838644
SPT(16)13907461390698153910 42 48 52 100 108 118 136 282 300 310 318 366 370 376 418-833164560892
STPT(10)13907462343591763370 2 24 26 42 44 60 62 84 86-737875199946
SPT(16)13907467570973266270 22 42 60 136 144 150 154 162 166 172 180 256 274 294 316-215137049656
STPT(12)13907469192579522290 2 42 44 72 74 78 80 108 110 150 152-52976424054
SPT(22)13907469722343762770 6 14 26 30 42 44 54 96 120 180 206 266 290 332 342 344 356 360 372 380 386-6
TPT(14)13907470452033127010 2 156 158 216 218 288 290 378 380 420 422 480 48272968936418
SPT(16)13907470904196003070 16 42 52 66 70 130 154 192 216 276 280 294 304 330 346118185224024
STPT(10)13907471582978525270 2 12 14 42 44 72 74 84 86186063476244
SPT(16)13907473199010787210 52 72 82 96 108 156 208 240 292 340 352 366 376 396 448347666702438
STPT(10)13907473977350298890 2 42 44 60 62 78 80 120 122425500653606
TPT(14)13907475550637180990 2 48 50 108 110 120 122 288 290 318 320 330 332582829341816

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