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Prime Tuple Database

Prime p0= 1494542384467761469 starts a Symmetric tuple of 20 consecutive primes (SPT).
dn: 0 42 18 28 12 20 70 60 2 22 14 22 2 60 70 20 12 28 18 42 (?)
an: 0 42 60 88 100 120 190 250 252 274 288 310 312 372 442 462 474 502 520 562
All 20 integers pn = p0+an = pn-1+dn are prime and there are no other primes in the gaps.
diameter: 562
Found by: Raspo
db: batch=78, k=20, 42 18 28 12 20 70 60 2 22 14
SPT(16)14945418986105006290 94 120 142 148 162 178 190 192 204 220 234 240 262 288 382-485857260840
SPT(16)14945420111476119970 4 60 70 240 316 322 324 382 384 390 466 636 646 702 706-373320149472
STPT(10)14945421611831362670 2 42 44 72 74 102 104 144 146-223284625202
SPT(16)14945422381337449370 2 20 26 44 62 126 156 170 200 264 282 300 306 324 326-146334016532
STPT(10)14945422393665580010 2 6 8 48 50 90 92 96 98-145101203468
TPT(14)14945422718298235490 2 60 62 102 104 132 134 282 284 390 392 438 440-112637937920
SPT(16)14945426782870899730 28 66 78 100 148 156 166 180 190 198 246 268 280 318 346293819328504
TPT(14)14945426832677745590 2 72 74 150 152 210 212 240 242 282 284 312 314298800013090
TPT(14)14945427592530184790 2 12 14 30 32 132 134 138 140 168 170 222 224374785257010
STPT(10)14945435575892137970 2 30 32 42 44 54 56 84 861173121452328
STPT(10)14945437021656988790 2 30 32 60 62 90 92 120 1221317697937410

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